
Wiefferink: Ecobag reduce ammonia emissions by up to 100%

The Ecobag reduces ammonia emissions and holds them in the slurry as ammonium, which is readily available for uptake by plants. Ammonia is agriculture and farming's most harmful and proliferant air pollutant, it makes up 88% of the UK's total ammonia emmisions. The Ecobag is THE environmentally friendly storage system for manure, biogas digestate and other liquid waste flows.


Wiefferink: Biogas, Biomethane and Renewable Gases Storage

Flexible gas storage, for dispatchable renewable gases both temporary and long-term storage options

The gas buffer has been developed for the storage of various gas types, renewable and fossil alike.
Storage of dispatchable gases, tide gases over until the spot rate price is right.
Storage for the deployment of gas to turbine for intermitent generators to match the demand when renewables such as solar and wind are at low production.

Wiefferink: Combibag use to increase digestion capacity and/or digestate endstore, reduce ammonia emissions and capture the tails of gas lost from your lagoon

Environmentally friendly flexible digester, a single skinned combined biogas substrate and gas capture storage system, which can also be used as a manure and digestate endstore.

The Combibag is a flexible storage for 1,000m3 to 7,500m3 of substrate, manure and digestate, which captures the gases released during the digestion processes.
